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Control Tower

Welcome to Global Caché's Control Tower
The Global Caché IR Database in the Cloud - your complete resource for IR codes using Global Caché products! Anyone can register and use our database. However, we are pleased to inform you that our VAR, OEM, and Strategic Alliance Partners are qualified for access to our IR database and for integration with our products and yours for your customers use.
World's first cloud based IR database.
Complete IR database of over 200,000 IR codes.
Available to our partners and Global Caché hardware users.
Easy identification and download of almost all IR code sets in use
Available in HEX and Global Caché formats
Control Tower users are welcome to download 5 free codesets per day. To sign up for your free account, please visit the registration page
Global Caché strategic alliance, VAR, and OEM partners are qualified for integration access to our IR database.
To receive a partner account and API, a signed agreement addendum must be on file. Once the addendum is on file you will be issued a special developer username and password. For more information, email our Partner program